Basic Additive Manufacturing


This is the first in a series of stackable credentials for Additive Manufacturing. To achieve basic level proficiency, a student has demonstrated: an understanding of three-dimensional CAD software, the knowledge required to operate a 3D printer, and an ability to identify various additive manufacturing technologies.

Degree Plan

Students must complete the required coursework to earn this micro-credential. For more information, contact:

Transfer Option

Rose State College and other Oklahoma colleges and universities have memorandums of understanding which identify course equivalencies between both institutions. These agreements aid transfer students. View Articulation Agreements.

Program Skills

3D Modeling

3D Modeling Software

3D Printing

3D Printing Setup

Additive Manufacturing Design Rules

Additive Manufacturing Processes

Advanced Manufacturing


Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

Design for Additive

File Formats

Fused Deposition Modeling

Fused Filament Fabrication

Layer Height and Print Speed Optimization


Material Knowledge

Post-processing Techniques

Printer Maintenance

Safety Protocols

Slicing Software

Earning Criteria

  • Create a model in 3D CAD software capable of interfacing with other objects or 3D models.
  • Use at least one 3D printer to create an object from a CAD file.
  • Identify different Additive Manufacturing technologies such as Fused Deposition Modeling, Stereolithography, Directed Energy Deposition, and Powder Bed Fusion.
  • Complete the Additive Manufacturing 101 course with a grade of C or better.
  • Pass the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate in Additive Manufacturing (CSWA-AM) exam.

Earn Your Badge

After completing this micro-credential, you will receive a digital badge to showcase your skills. This badge highlights your ability to understand and apply the principles of additive manufacturing.